New York Times bestselling author Ali Hazelwood‘s Love on the Brain follows a neuroscientist’s journey to becoming the next Marie Curie. After the hit of The Love Hypothesis, many people have been craving their next STEM romance hit – and Hazelwood is here to deliver!
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Official Description of Ali Hazelwood’s Love on the Brain

Love on the Brain
“The real villain is love: an unstable isotope, constantly undergoing spontaneous nuclear decay. And it will forever go unpunished.”
Ali Hazelwood, Love on the Brain
Like an avenging, purple-haired Jedi bringing balance to the mansplained universe, Bee Königswasser lives by a simple code: What would Marie Curie do? If NASA offered her the lead on a neuroengineering project—a literal dream come true after years scraping by on the crumbs of academia—Marie would accept without hesitation. Duh. But the mother of modern physics never had to co-lead with Levi Ward.
Sure, Levi is attractive in a tall, dark, and piercing-eyes kind of way. And sure, he caught her in his powerfully corded arms like a romance novel hero when she accidentally damseled in distress on her first day in the lab. But Levi made his feelings toward Bee very clear in grad school—archenemies work best employed in their own galaxies far, far away.
Now, her equipment is missing, the staff is ignoring her, and Bee finds her floundering career in somewhat of a pickle. Perhaps it’s her occipital cortex playing tricks on her, but Bee could swear she can see Levi softening into an ally, backing her plays, seconding her ideas…devouring her with those eyes. And the possibilities have all her neurons firing. But when it comes time to actually make a move and put her heart on the line, there’s only one question that matters: What will Bee Königswasser do?
Our Overview (Spoilers Ahead!)
Bee is a brilliant neuroscientist. After being offered a spot co-leading a once-in-a-lifetime project at NASA, she quits her underwhelming job and sets off to Houston. She is dismayed when she realises she’ll be partnered with the one and only Levi Ward – her nemesis from grad school.
She is optimistic and tries to repair bridges but Levi airs her emails and reprimands her about the dress code on her first day. Apparently, he doesn’t care for her purple hair and piercings.
As they continue to work together, Bee and Levi start becoming less… hostile. Levi even comes to rescue her when she gets herself stuck in a cemetery overnight! Bee can only wonder how Levi can be so amicable when she knows truly that he hated her for reasons beyond her knowledge in grad school.
After some heart-to-heart, we learn that Levi grew up in an unhealthy home and attends therapy. Even at the age of 32, Levi is still unable to stand up for himself in front of his parents. Bee steps in to come to his defence.
The pair of coworkers grow closer together and soon Bee comes to the realisation that Levi never hated her in the first place. He’s liked her all along! The pair quickly reconcile and get together, in more ways than one.
Love on the Brain is a quirky insight into the love life of two NASA project leaders. Full of ups, downs, tears – and mostly laughter, this is a must-read for all STEM and romance fans alike!
Our Review of Ali Hazelwood’s Love on the Brain
Bingeability – ★★★★☆
Readers of The Love Hypothesis may be happy to know that Love on the Brain includes a lot more STEM-focused dialogue and scenes. This adds to the believability of the story and really makes their career more interesting, unfortunately, it may be a little difficult for some people to follow. Aside from having to put down the book to go down a Google Search rabbit hole, this book was entertaining and cute enough to sit down and absorb via osmosis.
Characters – ★★★★☆
Bee is loud, forthright and obsessed with cats. What isn’t to love? She’s the perfect counterpart to Levi, who finds it hard to communicate his real emotions. Not to mention the side characters absolutely stole our hearts! They’re totally over-the-top and goofy and I loved every scene with them.
Setting – ★★★★★
It might not be for everyone but we loved how Ali Hazelwood ramped up the lab scenes in Love on the Brain in comparison to her previous release, The Love Hypothesis. It might be every STEM student’s dream to someday work at NASA, so there will be plenty of readers living vicariously through Bee.
Storyline – ★★★☆☆
Hazelwood takes the themes of her previous book, The Love Hypothesis and changes enough that it doesn’t feel repetitive. Hazelwood handles the complicated aftermath of Levi’s uncomfortable family dynamics in a way which isn’t too overt as to lower the tone of the book. Overall, the elements are similar to her previous book at its core. So if you loved The Love Hypothesis, you will definitely love Ali Hazelwood’s Love on the Brain.
Overall Rating: ★★★★☆
With romantic tension that will have you on the edge of your seat, a side-spun Twitter romance, spicy scenes that will make you blush and a gaggle of side characters who are a barrel of laughs, Love on the Brain is a nice addition to the Adult Romance genre. It’s fun, it’s cute, it’s an easy read and most importantly; we now know a lot about Marie Curie!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the age rating of Love on the Brain?
With mature language, violence, and sexual scenes the adult novel rates at 18+.
Does Love on the Brain contain spicy scenes?
It does! 3 of them, in fact. And unlike other authors, Ali Hazelwood’s Love on the Brain isn’t one to sweep over the scenes delicately. Be ready to blush!
When does Love on the Brain come out?
It was released on the 23rd August, 2022! Check it out here!
Is Love on the Brain a TV show?
There’s been no news of any TV adaptions yet, we can only hope.

If it does, we beg the casting director to consider Dev Patel as Levi!
Isn’t he perfect for the role?