New Release: A Vengeful King Rises by Sophie Barnes

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USA Today Bestselling Romance Author Sophie Barnes is celebrating the release of her new book A Vengeful King Rises (House Of Croft Book 1) by giving away amazing prizes to 3 lucky winners! Click here to enter.

A Vengeful King by Sophie Barnes

The only thing more lethal than his need for revenge, is the woman who’s tasked with bringing him down.

Adrian Croft dreams of quitting the shady business he stands to inherit, of settling down, and of raising a family free from a life of crime. But when tragedy strikes, this fanciful dream is destroyed. All he wants now is revenge. His anger, however, threatens to cloud his judgment, making it harder for him to recognize danger when it approaches in the form of a beautiful woman.

Trained for covert operations as part of a secret government program, Samantha Carmichael’s mission is to give British law enforcement a reason to prosecute the most powerful man in the country. But when common sense and duty begin to blur, can she remain steadfast in her goal, or will her loyalties shift as she gradually loses her heart to the one man she cannot afford to love?

-One series, one couple, and the brutal challenges they must face-

If you like What Angels Fear, Silent in the Grave, and Murder on Black Swan Lake, you’ll devour Sophie Barnes’ thrilling new series.

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Excerpt From A Vengeful King Rises by Sophie Barnes

Ever conscious of Mr. Croft making his way through the crowded ballroom, Samantha forced herself to look straight ahead, to ignore the temptation of glancing in his direction.

The cool night air was breezy, sweeping through the honeysuckle vines that clung to the stone façade. Leaves rustled, the soft sound mingling with the muted strains of music filling the ballroom.

A few other guests stood scattered about in small groups. Samantha walked past them, choosing the solitude of the far corner.

Dressed in a gown sewn from soft pink silk overlaid with a creamy lace dotted by small crystal beads, she felt so very different from who she truly was. More like a princess than an agent trained to uncover secrets. She smiled at that thought. Nobody here would suspect her of being able to fight a man on equal footing, or to shoot him dead from a distance of one hundred yards.

Measured steps gently touching the flagstone caught her attention. She stilled as they drew nearer. There was no need to turn and look to know who approached. She could sense him in the tightening of her stomach, the soft prick of awareness against the nape of her neck, and the heat creeping into her cheeks as excitement stole through her.

He’d sought her out and had thereby proved his interest.

All was proceeding as planned.

A Vengeful King by Sophie Barnes

“Tell me something you’ve never told anyone else,” his deep voice suggested.

She grinned, not with pretense but with unexpected amusement. Her laughter froze as that realization cemented itself within her. She shook her head, attempting to banish the curious sensation of possibly finding him charming.

Only to tamp down the brief emotion and reach for added control. Her job would be so much harder to do if she started to like him. “I’ve always hated playing the piano.”

He produced a low chuckle as he came to stand beside her. “Why?”

“I’m not especially fond of sitting still.”

This time he gave a full-bodied laugh – a rich rumbling sound that swept over her like a tidal wave, catching her in its thrall. He angled himself toward her and propped his hip against the balustrade. “Then why do you play?”

“Because it’s expected, I suppose.” It was the truth.

“Do you always do what’s expected, Miss Carmichael?”

Mr. Croft’s voice held a hint of deep curiosity mixed with something she wouldn’t have picked up had she not been paying perfect attention. It was a secretive element, as though he’d discovered something she wasn’t aware of.

 Concern gave her pause as she wondered what he might know. Choosing to err on the side of caution, she tilted her head as though in thought. “For the most part, I suppose.”

“You’ve never done anything…shocking?”

Samantha’s mind raced. Why would he ask that unless he’d discovered something about her? But what? She’d done an endless amount of things that would be considered shocking for any young lady to undertake.

So what was it?

Had the men she’d fought in St. Giles reported back to him somehow? Did he know of the room she’d rented near Covent Garden? Was the man she’d almost trampled while riding, one of Mr. Croft’s informants?

She’d no idea, but the icy shiver stealing across her shoulders warned her he might be about to turn the tables.

About The Author

A Vengeful King by Sophie Barnes

USA TODAY bestselling author Sophie Barnes writes historical romance novels in which the characters break away from social expectations in their quest for happiness and love. Having written for Avon, an imprint of Harper Collins, her books have been published internationally in eight languages. With a fondness for travel, Sophie has lived in six countries, on three continents, and speaks English, Danish, French, Spanish, and Romanian with varying degrees of fluency. Ever the romantic, she married the same man three times—in three different countries and in three different dresses.

When she’s not busy dreaming up her next swoon worthy romance novel, Sophie enjoys spending time with her family, practicing yoga, baking, gardening, watching romantic comedies and, of course, reading.

Interview with Sophie Barnes

Q: What is your favorite trope to write and why?

SB: Secret identities. This trope offers so many opportunities for creating characters who are more than what they appear to be – people with the courage to go against Society’s norms and exceed expectation. In romance, this also helps create tension right from the start by prompting the question: how will things play out when the hero/heroine discovers the truth about their love interest?

Q: What is your book about?

SB: It’s about catching a serial killer who’s targeting upper class women. Adrian Croft, the heir to a crime organization, makes it his personal mission to catch the scoundrel. Samantha Carmichael, a government agent tasked with uncovering proof of Adrian’s crimes, decides to help him in order to serve her own agenda: endear herself to him and infiltrate his life so she can follow through on her orders.

What begins as the means by which to bring Adrian down, however, gradually changes as other secrets emerge and Samantha starts to realize she might be on the wrong side of things.

It’s the first book in a series that’s set to feature the same couple and the dangers they’ll face together. 

Q: Describe your main characters in three words.

SB: Adrian Croft: Unforgiving, righteous, protective. Samantha Carmichael: Loyal, fighter, persistent.

Q: If your book was made into a movie, who would star in it?

SB: If time travel were possible I’d pick a younger Richard Armitage (as he appeared in North and South) to play Adrian Croft, but since it isn’t, I’ll go with Joshua Sasse 😊

Starring opposite, in the role of Samantha Carmichael, I’d go with Halston Sage.

Q: What are you reading right now?

SB: I’m finishing up the last book in the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas, Kingdom of Ash.

Q: What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

SB: Spending time with my family, especially outdoors. Catching up on reading, knitting, journaling, all of which help me relax. Watching movies and playing board games.

This Or That Questions:

Coffee or Tea? Both
Morning or Night? Morning
City or Country? Country
Print or Ebook? Print
Summer or Winter? Summer
Haunted Mansion or Un-haunted Shack? Haunted Mansion

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