New Release: Big Bad Beast by Grace Goodwin

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Big Bad Beast by Grace Goodwin


USA Today Bestselling Author Grace Goodwin is celebrating the release of her book, BIG BAD BEAST (Interstellar Brides Program Book 4), by giving away amazing prizes to 4 lucky winners! Click here to enter!

Big Bad Beast by Grace Goodwin

An Atlan Warlord in hiding.
In pain.
In danger of succumbing to a horrible fever.
Only one woman can save him.
All he has to do is find her before he becomes a Big Bad Beast…

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Excerpt From Big Bad Beast

I scrambled down from the back of the ambulance and moved out of the way so the sexy, bleeding fighter could step up and climb inside. His weight caused the rig to dip. He sat down on the stretcher, his head nearly touching the ceiling, and lifted an arm to inspect his wounds on that side. By my count, there were at least four large gashes that would require stitching. Which meant I got to touch.

I looked from his torso to his face and forgot how to breathe. He was staring at me now, but his eyes didn’t look human. Were they glowing silver?

Frozen like a deer in the headlights, we stared at one another for long seconds. I swayed, suddenly light-headed.

“Breathe, female. I will not allow anyone to harm you.” Even as he bossed me, Wolf looked at me like he wanted to eat me alive and spit out my bones. Truth be told, I wasn’t opposed to the eat me alive part of the scenario, as long as he started in the right place.

Yes, he was sexy. More than that. A god. A warrior. And his huge cock seemed to be reaching for me through his thin shorts. But I was no young virgin. I was a woman. A professional. And I did have my pride. This part of town, reminding people of that fact was important if one wanted to survive.

“I can take care of myself.”

“No, you will not. Not anymore.”

What. The. Hell?

Meet Author Grace Goodwin


Grace Goodwin is a USA Today and international bestselling author of Sci-Fi and Paranormal romance with over a million books sold. Grace’s titles are available worldwide on all retailers, in multiple languages, and in ebook, print, audio and other reading App formats.

Grace is a full-time writer whose earliest movie memories are of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and real, working light sabers. (Still waiting for Santa to come through on that one.) Now Grace writes sexy-as-hell sci-fi romance six days a week. In her spare time, she reads, watches campy sci-fi and enjoys spending time with family and friends. No matter where she is, there is always a part of her dreaming up new worlds and exciting characters for her next book.

Interview With Grace Goodwin

Q: Hi Grace. Tell us a little more about yourself.

GG: I have a son and two daughters, two hilarious border collie mixes we got from a rescue, and a backyard full of birds I claim as my own because they come to my birdfeeder. One of my life goals is to have one of my little birds eat out of my hand. How cool would that be? (Yes, I’m a birder.) Also, I’ve been with my DH since I was fifteen. We were high school sweethearts. (Go ahead, throw up in your mouth a little.)

Q: No way, we love a real-life romance. It’s amazing to hear about high school sweethearts that are still together. Tell us about your publishing journey. Did you always want to be an author?

GG: I started writing my first story when I was eleven on lined notebook paper. I always wanted to be a writer. I love, love, love books. If I hadn’t been a writer, I would have gone to medical school. That was my second choice.

Q: We’re glad you chose writing. Tell us about your hero. What motivates him?

GG: My hero spent years fighting in a war to save multiple worlds. He was captured, tortured and managed to escape. Now, his world won’t take him back. He suffers from the Atlan species “Mating Fever”. If he does not find his mate, he will go on a rampage. If he goes home, they will lock him up because he is too close to losing control. His ONLY hope is to hide on Earth long enough to find the one woman who will soothe his raging beast. He is motivated by honor, protective instincts and a relentless spirit. He will NOT give up. Ever.

Q: Favorite book when you were a kid?

GG: Unfair! I have SO many favorites. But…special place in my heart is THE BLUE SWORD by Robin McKinley. Such a powerful adventure for a young girl. I have probably read that book a dozen times. My second favorite was THE POKEY LITTLE PUPPY. (Now we’re going WAY back.)

Q: The Pokey Little Puppy is definitely a classic, haha. How many bookshelves are in your house?

GG: Haha!  Do you expect an honest answer?  Does each individual SHELF count? Or just the bookcase? So…8 Bookcases (6 ft tall each) three drawers full of books and hundreds of ebooks loaded on my GoogleBooks app and my Kindle.

Q: That’s impressive! So how can our readers stalk you on the web?

GG: I check in with my reader group (Sci-Fi Squad) on Facebook about once a week. I also answer questions left on Goodreads. So, if you want to get in touch, please do!  Hugs!

This Or That Questions:

Coffee or Tea?  COFFEE
Coke or Pepsi?  COKE
Morning or Night?  NIGHT!!!!
Shower or Bath? SHOWER
Print or Ebook?  Ebook (My eyes like large print!)
Spiders or Snakes?  SNAKES (Spiders are ewww!)
Haunted Mansion or Un-haunted Shack?  Un-Haunted Shack

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