New Release: Fiercely Possessive by R. Leigh

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Romance Author R. Leigh is celebrating the release of her new book, Fiercely Possessive (Fierce Legacies Book 1), by giving away amazing prizes to 5 lucky winners! Click here to enter.

Fiercely Possessive by R. Leigh

Danger, wealth, revenge, power, and fear were all a part of his life.

As Don of the Messina family, he had fought and earned his place. He had it all. More money than most could fathom, women at his will, and power to take whatever he wanted. He ruled his world with fierce determination. Nothing was beyond his reach. He was never denied anything…. until he met her.

Eden Wells lived a quiet unassuming life until she met Alessio Messina. The handsome one-night stand she met while on vacation was intoxicating. After a passionate evening together, Eden boarded her plane back to New York never expecting to see him again.

But their story was far from finished and Alessio had no intention of allowing her to walk out of his life forever.

Soon Eden would discover how far a dangerous man would go to keep what he had claimed as his own.

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Excerpt from Fiercely Possessive by R. Leigh

She went to move around me, but I grabbed her arm and roughly pulled her to me. “I thought you wanted answers.”

I watched as her breathing increased. “Are you going to tell me the truth or just more vague answers that don’t reveal anything about who you are or why I am here?”

“You ask your question, and I will give you an answer. But I must warn you that you might not like the answers you receive.”

“I would rather hear the truth and know my fate than to keep wondering what you have in store for me.”

I tugged her a little closer and leaned down so that my lips were only inches from hers. “There is a price however.”

Her eyes narrowed just a fraction. “A price?”

“For every question I answer, I will expect some sort of payment. I do nothing for free, sweetheart.”

She pulled away from my grasp. “I’m not playing your games.”

“Then you can return to your room without the answers you seek.”

I could almost see the battle waging within her. Does she take the chance and play my game as she put it, or does she leave without the answers she so desperately wanted?

“The decision is yours, Cara Mia.”

“Fine. Can I trust you to give me the truth?”

I nodded eager for her to ask her first question.

“Have you been spying on me?”

My lips turned up slightly. “I had a man return from Italy on your flight. He has been watching you and reporting back to me from the moment you left the villa. I knew the minute you landed in New York and when you went back to work, the men that harassed you were dealt with. You eat more Chinese food than anyone I have ever known, and I knew all about your date with your friend from work.” My smile slipped into a frown. “He is lucky that he did not come into your apartment that night. I will not be so generous in the future. But in answer to your question, I prefer to think of it as gathering information rather than spying.”

“Stalking is a more appropriate term and there are laws against it. Why did you take me from my apartment?”

I shook my head as I snaked an arm around her waist. “That’s another question and I haven’t received payment for the first yet.” I fisted my other hand in her hair at the back of her neck. I leaned closer pausing just above her lips. She was pressing her lips tightly together. I gripped her hair tighter and pulled just enough to elicit a gasp from her lips. “Don’t pretend you don’t want this, Eden.”

Before she had a chance to spout more lies from her pretty lips, my mouth descended upon hers. I kissed her brutally as if I had been starving for a taste of her, which I had been since she left Italy. I pulled her body into mine relishing the way she fit against me. At first, I sensed her resistance. She wanted to fight me, her body was stiff, rigid, and she refused to return the kiss, but eventually I felt her relax. She became more pliant in my arms. Her lips softened, and I took more from her than I had originally intended. My hand drifted from her waist to the rounded curves of her backside. I wanted more, I wanted her naked beneath me, or bent over in front of me. My lips left hers and slid down to her neck where I sucked hard before letting my teeth nip at her skin causing a throaty moan to escape from her lips, then pulled back. Her eyes were half open and glazed over. My princess could lie to herself all she wanted, but I knew the truth. She wanted me.

“Now, would you like to ask another question?”

She put a shaky hand to her lips. Her breath came rapidly from her mouth. She looked stunned, and I was beginning to think she had forgotten anything ese she had planned to ask.

“Don’t kiss me.”

I smirked. “That’s not a question.”

She tried to move out of my arms, but I tightened my grip.

“If I ask another question, I don’t want you to kiss me.”

I reached up and took her chin in my hands. “You don’t get to make demands sweetheart. If you want answers, there must be payment.”

I could see the indecision in her eyes. She was afraid, but not afraid of me, she was afraid of her own body’s desires, but her longing to have answers was more powerful.

“Why me? Why did you take me?”

I reached up and wrapped one of her curls around my finger before tucking it behind her ear. “Because I wanted you.”

“That’s not what I want to hear. I told you I didn’t want to hear your ridiculous excuses. I want to know why you took me, what are you going to do with me, and when you are going to let me go?”

My lips curved into a seductive grin. “That’s three questions.” I immediately swept her into my arms and tossed her onto the chaise.

Meet The Author Of Fiercely Possessive by R. Leigh

Fiercely Possessive by R. Leigh

Rebecca Leigh is a romance junkie with an especially sweet spot for regency romance. The one thing she enjoys more than reading a good romance, is writing one. Rebecca was a teacher for fifteen years, but after her time in the classroom, she decided to follow her true love and write. When she is not writing, she loves to travel and has added many new places to her bucket list.

Rebecca is the mother of three adult children and currently lives outside of Houston with her husband of nearly thirty years, along with an embarrassing number of fur babies and the cutest pittie in the world named Monster.

Interview with R.Leigh

Q: What drew you to this genre? Why that story?

RL: I have always had a love of reading and Regency Romance is where it all began. Late night reading of balls, courtiers, and extravagant gowns provided the spark I needed to delve into writing. I began to explore other genres which led me to being introduced to Dark Romances through V. F. Mason and her book, Remi’s War and from that book on, I was hooked! I devoured everything she has released, moved onto other dark romance authors, and slowly explored whether this would be my next genre to write. At first, I was hesitant to start writing one myself, but thought I would give it a try. I loved creating the story, it was so far from anything I had done before and at first, I had no intention of publishing it. My husband is one of my biggest fans, so I offered him to be my first reader. He encouraged me to keep writing. From there the Fierce Legacies series came about and I have thoroughly enjoyed doing something new and with the darker romances I feel free to push some boundaries.

The story in Fiercely Possessive has all the elements that I enjoy reading about. You have your super-hot guy with an arrogant alpha-like personality who falls for a beauty that does everything in her power to resist him. One of the things I really enjoy in a dark romance is the danger aspect and a man strong enough to handle it. Alessio exudes power and danger. It oozes from him, and I enjoyed creating his character.

Q: What were some challenges while writing this book?

RL: My biggest challenge when creating this book was my own self-doubt which resulted in difficulty even beginning the story and contributed to multiple plot changes. I wanted to make certain my characters stayed true to their personalities. As I mentioned before, I had written a few Regency romances where the characters were not nearly as rough or raw. This was such a different genre for me that I questioned myself a lot. 

Q: Describe your main characters in 3 words.

RL: Alessio is sexy, powerful, and arrogant. Eden is beautiful, strong, and forgiving.

Q: If your book was made into a movie, who would star in it?

RL: Alessio- Henry Cavill, because that man just looks good in everything he does. Eden- Blake Lively, because Eden in the book is described as strikingly beautiful and can you find anyone more striking than the beautiful Blake Lively?

Q: What do you like to do when you aren’t writing?

RL: When I don’t have my laptop in front of me, I enjoy traveling. I love visiting new places and meeting new people. I like to challenge myself. Last year, I traveled to Iceland and hiked across a glacier to explore the ice caves there. I also enjoy quiet time by the pool with my rescue dog, Monster.

Q: What was your dream job as a kid?

RL: I had big dreams of becoming a marine biologist and a shark researcher. I love sharks. I watch Shark Week religiously and have been trying to cage dive for years. This year I will finally get the chance!


Book or Movie? Book every time. I’m that annoying person you watch a movie with that says, “The book is better.”

Early or Late? Early, not necessarily by choice. It all depends on the dog and how long he will allow me to sleep.

Haunted Mansion or Un-haunted shack? Definitely the haunted mansion. I will Scooby-Doo those ghosts all day long.

Shower or Bath? Bath if I have time to relax and enjoy it.

City or Country? Country. The older I get, the more I enjoy the peace and serenity of being away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Plus, I hate traffic!

Spiders or Snakes? Snakes. My two boys were always looking for snakes and lizards. You get used to them after a while.

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