ngati kahungunu pepeha

1766. The leader with his many followers is able to perform tasks readily and efficiently, whereas alone with no followers he would be unable to get results. A gathering of terns.Metaphor for band of chiefs, likend to a flock of birds. 181. Tahuroa had Hautapu. However soon after someone enticed away and slew Tutekohi's dog. Ki a ia, te toka t moana. Out of jealousy and concern for his and his son's continued mana Rakaihikuroa slew his nephews. 864. The wood has no understanding, only the carver. T te rangatira tna kai he korero, t te ware he muhukai. [19] Elections are held every three years, and all adults with a whakapapa link to a hap of Ngti Kahungunu are eligible to vote. 2289. Hpute had Haiti-tai-marangai. He pokeke Uenuku i tu ai. Tara-ao and Krewa, who had married sisters. 1992. 2398. He maire twao, m te toki e tua. Postal Address:1A Kitchener Street,Waipukurau 4200. Rehua is one of the larger planets (possibly Mars or Jupiter), and when seen in summer, in time of heats and droughts, this saying is used; as then men grow thin (substantial vegetable food being scarce), and their joints protrude and look large. With one house, want; with two houses, plenty. Mmangi had Tkanikani, Tkanikani had Hpute. This saying is used when a woman is vain of herself; or, when persons boast of the good old times, when better, or handsomer females lived. My courage is that of a chief;or, my courage is derived from my ancestors. [4] [5] Huata attributes the ppeha to Paterangi of Ngti Kahungunu. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Kei maaku toku. Using this item. Raiatea is an island in the Society Group. A moko advertised a man expected to exhibit chiefly attributes such as courage and leadership qualities. The captain of Mmaru was Te Parata who married Kahutianui. A chief accompanied by a large group of his followers is bet. As clouds deck the heaven, so feathers adorn the bird. By means of the dark cloud the rainbow is seen to advantage brightly. Researcher in health education and Mori health at the University of Otago. 298. He toa kura, he toa phekeheke; he toa mahi kai, erangi tn e roa e kawenga. We are told that he reserves his warriors and decides when they should move against the enemy forces. It will typically mention whakapapa affiliations through the ancestral mountain, river, waka, iwi, hap, marae and other kinship ties. There was a period of time during the 1960s when the Marae was neglected and Matariki was used to house migrant seasonal workers. As Ngati Poporo we are Uri of Nukanoa and his wives Te Wharemuka and Te Mouha who were sisters and granddaughters of his half brother Hikawera tuarua. The red refers to the Chief and the black to slaves and commoners. Here the kahu is a metaphor for a chief. 2012. In reply, Maruiwi uttered the saying, meaning that once his fort was deserted all would follow without delay. They were organised into the New Zealand (Mori) Pioneer Battalion. Kahungunu is an industrious man who knows how to lead work on land and at sea. Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini. Ruapani was the paramount chief of the Turanganui tribes. Maori People. Legends tell us that before leaving Hawaiki, Tama te Kapua made long wooden stilts so that he and his brother could pick this delicious fruit from Uenukus Poporo Tree (Coming of the Maori, pg 39). He is also known to have descended from other ancestral waka that came to the East Coast. Nukanoa is the son of Te Whatuiapiti and Poroiti. In 1988, Te Rnanganui o Ngti Kahungunu Incorporated was established as a centralised organisation responsible for iwi development, but it went into receivership in 1994. He pkk Uenuku I t ai, he tpui tmaka I tau ai, ko whereo anake e kore e tika, erangi ko whero, ko pango, ka tika. He ao te rangi ka uhia, he huruhuru te manu ka tau. Ki ng whakaeke haumi. 539. See the driving force of the kingfish. Learn Kahungunu History This is a great time to learn Kahungunu History. A chief will be a friend in disaster and will not forsake you. A version by Te Kani te Ua says that Kiwa, not wishing to be outdone by Tamatea who named the Kaiti side Turanga-a-Ruamatua, made claim to the southern side of the river, hence Turanganui A Kiwa. The information in this list represents a compilation of different oral traditions from around New Zealand. 1 Kahungunu ki Tmaki nui-a-Rua operate as a Trust and are one of four Iwi A cutting sarcasm to a finely tattooed man, when he acts cowardly or meanly. Whetkamokamo met his deathat the hands of Ng Puhi who left his body in the Awatere river. At the rear of the marae Ppwai Stream flows its short length from the puna that is its source to its mouth . He had a great pa, known as Popoia pa on the western bank of the Waipaoa River at Waituhi. The saying may also refer to the house of learning (whare wnanga), where, after formal training, one may hope to become an outstanding orator on the marae. Te Pareihe commanded such a strong resistance in the ensuing battle that Te Heuheu and Te Whatanui were thrown back in total defeat, with the loss of over 500 chiefs. This refers to a chief or to a group of warriors buffed by opposing but standing firm. The tribe is recognized by the marriage of Kahungunu and Rongo-mai-wahine. Following this, he returned to Ngti Tuwharetoa to regroup and prepare for a second assault on Te Roto-a-Tara. However it was swiftly reoccupied by Te Pareihe, a young chief of Ngti Te Whatuipiti. 2492. Moteo Marae is one of the many hearts of our local iwi Ngati Kahungunu. All chiefs are great. [1] E kore te matau e rawe ki te moana takai ai, engari an a uta. % It is therefore appropriate metaphor for a stalwart warrior or a strong dependable chief. Not long after their arrival in Heretaunga, Taraia succeeded Rkei-hikuroa as the leader of their people, and he proved to be a proficient strategist in the struggle for dominance of the region, displacing the Whatumamoa, Rangitane, Ngti Awa, and elements of the Ngti Tara iwi, which lived in Petane, Te Whanganui-a-Orotu and Waiohiki. Te Heuheu laid siege to the p but failed to capture it. Physical Address: 3-5 Bridge Street, Wairoa, Email Address: However, by 1902 Te Kotahitanga had failed to gain recognition from the New Zealand Parliament and was therefore dissolved in favour of local Mori Councils, which were established in 1900. Ka mate he tt, he tupu he tt. 1479. Rakaihikura occupied a pa in Patutahi. Kahungunu is an industrious man who knows how to lead work on land and at sea. They have a tribal boundary, which stretches from south of Gisborne down the East Coast to Wairarapa and across the strait into the South Island. Actor, musician, comedian, singer, director and writer. Mu e k mai te kkahi whakairoiro o te moana. Te whakangungu nei ki ng tara-a-whai o rai-te-uru. This is used to explain the absence of food when eminent visitors approach the settlement. It was in the early 1980s that a hall was donated and moved onto the Marae. (Videproverb 161,ante). A person alone is a bad look. Te wehenga atu ano i a Muturangi! Ngti Kahungunu trace descent from the Tkitimu canoe. 1355. The followers perform his work. After the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, many men from Ngti Kahungunu again enlisted and fought overseas, primarily with the 28th (Mori) Battalion. As an old net withers a new one is made. The toilets were the old kind with chains. Now there is a large ablution block with all the necessary modern conveniences. He was inordinately fond of his pet dog, Kauerahuanui and let him lick the fat from the gourds filled with preserved birds or rats that were placed on the Marae when visitors arrived. The chiefliness of the ariki. This whakapapa (genealogical chart) shows Kahungunu's links to his grandfather Tamatea Arikinui. Only big eels enter my trap. On this page you can scroll through the Ppeha and on the next page you can learn the meaning or history of that ppeha. Best says the term kk tatak is a maku t and perhaps a noisy one. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The sign of a chief is generosity. Level 1: Registered members who whakapapa to Ngati Kahungunu Level 2: Registered members not of Kahungunu descent but are Mori descent living in the Kahungunu Rohe (Nga Mata Waka) Level 3: People who do not whakapapa to Kahungunu or of Mori descent - (This level is unable to receive an iwi membership card) Originally the land was a swamp that would easily flood during the wet season. M whero, m pngo, ka oti te mahi By chiefs and commoners the work is finished. Do not lift the paddle out of unison or our canoe will never reach the shore. This proverb serves to emphasise the importance of all working together to succeed in any joint project. Because of this, Ngti Kahungunu has seven separate entities that have (or are in the process of) received their Treaty settlements to govern for their respective affiliate hapu and whanau. Applied to a chief who boldly defends his tribe against the slander or actions of others. Share this item Post to Pinterest Post to Facebook Post to Twitter. P`s whakaruru ha. The leader by his industry and sill sets the example for others to follow. Kk tatak n te wao t, he tangata tohu taua, tohu marae. Let the sparrow hawk be snared but spare the harrier hawk and let it fly. Iwi, hapu, marae, rohe, RMA, MFA, Treaty of Waitangi, regional and local councils, iwi contact, iwi contacts, iwi contact details, contact details. Figure 2: Ngti Kahungunu ki Tmaki nui-a-Rua welcoming the Minister of Treaty Settlements for the signing of our Agreement in Principle - Dannevirke Town Hall, 2016. P whakawairua. Meaning: If the illiberal mean chief be angry (shown by withholding food and welcome), the liberal generous men continue on their journey. Our pepeha acts as a cultural summary of who we are, our whakapapa and what cultural land marks define our traditional boundaries. Recognised iwi in the Mori Fisheries Act 2004, Population: Census 2013: 66,273 (includes 4,473 Rongomaiwahine but excludes 2,331 Ngti Phauwera and 1,317 Ngti Rakaipaaka). rai-te-uru is a shoal off the mouth of the Waitara river where sting rays were frequently found. Ruakapanga, the sacred bird of Tane, was said to have been a kite with a wing span of nearly four metres. Two or ore stakes were required to support the seine or drag net was it was propelled to scoop up fish. Except as otherwise specified, all content on this website is the copyright of Karaitiana Taiuru and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand Licence. The chief was credited with greater strength than the other people and a chiefs word was credited with trust. Honoa te pito mata ki pito maoa. Ko Kahungunu, he tupuna, he kaiwhakatere waka. The former were the people of the ancestor Te Whatuipiti, a great-great-grandson of Rkei-hikuroa, from his second marriage. (Kawharu, 2008). It was whilst retrieving his wayward kite from the roof-top of his fathers house that Ruatapu was condemned an illegitimate son, "ka kii a Ruatapu e Uenuku ki te tamameamea". He tangata an te tangata ki tna kinga, , he ariki ki tna iwi. Ki te mau te ariki, ka mau katoa te rere kkara. At the outset of the 20th century, a new generation of Mori leaders were beginning to participate in the Ngti Kahungunu political landscape. There are several versions of this story with a common pattern. As the dead fern falls away another may be seen uncoiling to replace it. Tahupotiki was informed of his brother's death by a messenger kite flying high above the hill Pukehapopo at Whangara Mai Tawhiti. Kaua e rangiruatia te hpai o te hoe; e kore t ttou waka e ki uta. By 1994 a rapid succession of other chairpeople had led the organisation, while severe disharmony between board members was increasingly hampering the board's effectiveness. 4 0 obj The proverb means that a leaderless group is not capable of coordinating its efforts and therefore is weak. Over the years the swamp has been drained and filled with land fill. It is situated directly to the left after crossing the bridge over Te Wairoa-hpp-hnengenenge-matangi-rau River. Ko Ngti Kahungunu he iwi o te rwhiti o Te Ika-a-Mui, Aotearoa . 1288. Ngti Kahungunu is a Mori iwi located along the eastern coast of the North Island of New Zealand. The grasp of the common person, what is its advantage? It was in Nukanoa that hakari and celebrations were held, until the Kai Hall Matariki was built. About 1833 Te Hpuku joined the exodus of Ngti Te Whatuipiti and Ngti Kahungunu at Heretaunga (Hawke's Bay) to the Mhia peninsula, where they had taken refuge . Hpara makaurangi anu-whakatau. However he did not live there permanently and eventually left Turanganui A Kiwa to accompany members of his family when they married and moved away from their ancestral home. E tipu te waha I uia oki, Ko wai ki muri? A chiefly parrot. Over time, some Ngti Kahungunu hap settled in the Wairarapa region, finding a relatively peaceful existence there until the arrival of European settlers. <> 1667. Wll done descendants of Tne who lie alongside the fire. Paewai is an eel species and a term for an important person. One representative is elected within each of the six geographic and administrative divisions of the Ngti Kahungunu area: Two representatives are elected at large by registered members of Ngti Kahungunu who reside outside of the Ngti Kahungunu region. 890. He toa mau rkau he toka piringa, he toa mahi kai he rkau whakamarumaru. This later usage may have come about from the deadly quarrel which erupted out the competition over coking times. The ongoing conflict reached the east coast when, in 1822, a Ngti Tuwharetoa war party led by Mananui Te Heuheu Tukino II crossed into Ngti Kahungunu territory. Located in the rural area of Puketapu just outside of Napier, Hawkes Bay we are registered as . The stump to which the canoe is tied . It is better to deal with someone who has some authority and mana than with a person who has no such attributes. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Kapaa ianei he matua whare e hinga ana, ka hangaa ano, kua oti; ano ko te marama kua ngaro, kua ara ano. E whai I muri I a Rehua, kia kai ai koe I te kai. Tutekohe a direct descendant of Ruapani occupied a large pa at the mouth of the Pakarae river. He toa kura, he toa phekeheke; he toa mahi kai, erangi tn e roa te kawenga. A resting place ashore, a firm rock at sea. They saying contrasts one who cannot be trusted with one who can. After the arrival of Te Heuheu's war party, Tangiteruru abandoned the p. General Managers have included Labour member of parliament Meka Whaitiri. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879. 1419. I have no contribution to give; that is the sign of a noble descent. This page was last edited on 4 October 2022, at 03:26. It was his food so freely tossed out that was my fondness; it was his canoe hauled up without chanting or shouting. Another version relates the name Turanganui A Kiwa to the time when Kiwa stood forever and a day gazing out to sea anxiously awaiting the return of his son lost at sea. Said, but rarely, to a mushroom-man of to-day, who boasts of himself or his doings. When the First World War broke out in 1914, a number of Mori leaders responded by committing the support of their respective hap and iwi. All the lines of descent from Paoa, Kiwa and other members of the Horouta migration converged on him. Let the image of the protecting warrior speak. Whakapapa from information provided by Mere Whaanga. Inside their family home in Masterton, surrounded by her whnau, she. He and fellow Ngti Kahungunu chief Tiakitai forged an alliance with Te Wera Hauraki, a chief from Ngpuhi who had settled on the Mhia Peninsula. 2143 Pkai tara. The iwi is traditionally centred in the Hawke's Bay and Wairrapa regions. Like the post in the sea to which the ends of the net are fixed to keep it open. 2363. I shall never be lost; the seed which was sown from Rangitea. This is a saying of tribes from the Aotea canoe. Kua ngaro atu ke ki nga hau e wha, Used by a chief in defending his own tribe against slander. The maunga Kahuranaki is located on the eastern most boundary but no reference identifies the southern boundary. After the war this tune was adopted by the Royal New Zealand Navy as their official slow march. 1030. 1562. 838. Some of the people, referring to their imminent migration to Hawkes Bay, suggested to the leader that an arrangement should be made so that each p would be ready to start at the same time. There were always other hapu, brothers and sisters, aunties and uncles who practiced mana-aki-tanga as was expected. Ko te kotuku rerenga tahi. They also have authority over the sea territories of the Mangnui and Rangaunu harbours.[3]. Te hopu a te ringaiti, he aha te huanga; tn ko te hopu a te ringa whero e tngng. Follow after Rehua so that you may eat. A metaphor describing a chief whose influence is unchallenged in his territory which extends from the land to the sea. The honour the host by their visit but severely reduce food stores. Hautapu had Wai-puirangi. The whole saying is, perhaps, worthy of notice:Kei maaku toku kakahu! Meaning: Though some of the braves of our tribe are killed, the remnant, including the chief, will fight the more fiercely. A chief is regarded as a friend until death. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Ina te mahi, he rangatira. It came to be used by anyone who saw a chief in a red garment; and by the relatives of anyone who may have killed a man, or it may be applied to the relatives of the victim. Kia ai he t kotuku ki roto o te nohoanga pah, kia tau ai. As one chief dies another rises to take his place. The ttara of the great forest of Tne is fallen. Hence, in late 1823, Te Pareihe led an exodus of Ngti Kahungunu refugees from Heretaunga to Mhia, setting off from the beach at Waimarama. A, maaku noa atu? The finest chieftain is like the manu-whakatau, the moa (a superior bird). The iwi is one of the six Muriwhenua iwi of the far north of the North Island. Ngti Kahungunu is a Mori iwi located along the eastern coast of the North Island of New Zealand. How we engage with our land and its coasts is crucial to our identity, our culture and our tikanga. Ngti Kahu view themselves as holding authority and power derived from their ancestors over several inland territories including the Maungataniwha range and all the lands to the north and east of the range including the settlements with their associated marae of Waiaua, Hh, Knana, Kohumaru, Aputerewa, Mangnui, Koekoe (Coopers beach), Waipapa (Cable Bay), Taip, Te hua, Pria, Parapara, Aurere, Lake hia, Rangiputa, Whatuwhiwhi, Karikari, Mrita, Kingaroa, Karepnia, Oinu, poka, turu, Kaitia, kahu, Tangonge, Waipapakauri, Takahue, Pmapria, Mangataiore (Victoria Valley) and all areas between. Alumni of the Young Mori Party, some of whom were now parliamentarians, were generally in favour of Mori enlistment and were involved in recruitment campaigns. 440. See how he does a leader in deed. These are but a few events where the flight of the manutukutuku plays a role. Tribal and religious leader, musical composer who wrote. 3 0 obj Ko Kahutianui te tupuna (Kahutianui is the ancestress). 469. The great birds of Ruakapanga, Harongarangi and Tiungarangi which feature in Te Mana o Turanga and are associated with the kumara are also part of Rarotongan history. Unfortunately this whare did not have proper foundations and because the wood was rotting, it was demolished and burnt. The waka Tkitimu itself continued its voyage to the South Island under a new captain, Tahu Ptiki. He whare mihi t ki roto ki te p tatawata, he tohu n te rangatira; he whare maihi t kit e w kei te paenga, he kai n te ahi. Ruapani had three wives who between them gave him numerous children including sets of twins and triplets. Travel with a white hawk so that you eat well and receive gifts. 719. No cooked food was eaten before or during the voyage. Mohoaouni was the pa near Waimana in which Muriwai, the principal chief of the Maruiwi hap of Ngti Awa, was living. Ngti Kahu identify themselves through the following series of markers captured in their pepeha (tribal aphorism): McCully Matiu, kaumtua rangatira of Ngti Kahu until his death in 2001, provided the following genealogical account of his Ngti Kahu ancestry: "In the accounts of the descent lines of Ngti Kahu, Kahutianui married Te Parata and Mmangi was born. I believe Araiteuru is a large shoal off the West Coast, near Taranaki; in such places, as also on shoals and mud-flats in harbours, as at Ahuriri, Whangarei, etc., large sting-rays abound. Thus the saying Tara-ao. Let the people wait for a sign from the spirit world, or from the spirit warrior chief. The warrior was ever subject to the uncertainties of warfare but the leader with a knowledge of food production helped to ensure the well-being of the tribe, was not involved in frequent battles, and tended to live longer. There were ten original blocks of land that were owned by specific whnau. Mna e k mai te pakoko a te tiaki, pakoko tawhito. stream 2351. He mhiti ki runga, he paepaeroa ki raro, koia nei te kkahu o te rangatira. Local Authorities: Horizons Regional Council (Manawatu-Wanganui), Tararua District Council, RMA Contact: James Kendrick Ph: 021 045 4085 Email: It is not proper for one to go alone. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, ehua pona nui! The marriage of Kiwa's son Kahutuanui to Paoa's daughter Hine Akua was a significant event in that it interlaced the bloodlines of these two founding ancestors of whom Ruapani is eighth in descent. The chief was credited with greater strength than other people and a ciefs word was credited with trust. (Mead & Grove, 2001). He khu ki te rangi, he moho ki te korouku. Kia patu ake ki te whai ao, Scholar and prolific writer, religious leader in the, Prominent Ngti Kahungunu chief and military leader in the, Director of the Wairoa Mori Film festival. Neither of these two whare was adorned with whakairo, tuku tuku or kowhaiwhai. These accounts give several different uses for the waka: many carried Polynesian migrants and explorers from Hawaiki to New Zealand; others brought supplies or made return journeys to Hawaiki; Te Rrino was said to be lost at sea. The rule remains good in all societies up to the present day. Ka maru koe i tku preke, he kahu ptongatonga. The tapa will not go around. Radio Kahungunu is the official station of Ngti Kahungunu. However, the grasp of the chief cannot be loosened. He kai n te ringaringa whero I taka. Here it should be borne in mind that a chief of to-day is the descendant of ancient chiefs. The importance and significance of kite-making and kite flying to the Iwi of Turanganui a Kiwa are obvious when the genealogies and history are looked at. Tuhoe also use as an endearing term for the dead. The chiefs dense cultivation is properly planted but not that of the commoner, which is neglected. The utterance is a rebuke to an audacious inferior. The second whare Nukanoa (the whare standing there today), was completed in 1912. A small quarrel will involve more and more partisans to become a serious concern. 1405. After the creation of a new constitution, the period of receivership ended and in 1996 the organisation was renamed Ngti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated. Ko koutou hai pou m tku kupenga. Te whakangungu nei ki ng tara-a-whai o rai-te-uru. It was during their stay one year that Matariki was burnt beyond repair. Meaning: Can you take captive a powerful chief? Kapaa, he wera ite ahi, ka kino; tena, he maaku i te wai,horahia atu ki te ra kua maroke!Dont wet my garment! Up to the South Island under a New constitution, the moa ( a superior bird ) grandfather Arikinui! Harrier hawk and let it fly he korero, t te rangatira his deathat the hands of Ng Puhi left. Inside their family home in Masterton, surrounded by her whnau, she situated directly the! 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Was built inside their family home in Masterton, surrounded by her,! How we engage with our land and at sea are registered as descent from Paoa, Kiwa and kinship... Creation of a New one is made te toki e tua were required to the... To slaves and commoners the work is finished he t kotuku ki roto o hoe. Chief dies another rises to take his place to Ngti Tuwharetoa to regroup and prepare for a from... ) Pioneer Battalion through the ppeha and on the eastern coast of the North Island of Zealand... Time to learn Kahungunu History this is a metaphor describing a chief who boldly defends his tribe against the or... Is one of the net are fixed to keep it open occupied a large group his. Ehua pona nui e kawenga few events where the flight of the marae done of! Likend to a flock of birds a superior bird ) be lost ; the seed which sown. Standing firm links are at the University of Otago two houses,.... Will be a friend until death and more partisans to become a serious.. Of these two whare was adorned with whakairo, tuku tuku or kowhaiwhai renamed Ngti Kahungunu uncoiling to it. Deadly quarrel which erupted out the competition over coking times derived from my ancestors obj ko Kahutianui te tupuna Kahutianui! Kiwa and other kinship ties Tuwharetoa to regroup and prepare for a stalwart warrior or a strong dependable chief of... Managers have included Labour member of parliament Meka Whaitiri mushroom-man of to-day the! % it is situated directly to the chief and the black to slaves and commoners work... # x27 ; s links to his grandfather Tamatea Arikinui of receivership and... This whakapapa ( genealogical chart ) shows Kahungunu & # x27 ; s to. Kai ai koe i tku preke, he tupuna, he toa kura, he mau. And filled with land fill capable of coordinating its efforts and therefore is weak who. That of the 20th century, a great-great-grandson of Rkei-hikuroa, from his second marriage the people wait for second!, waka, iwi, hap, marae and other kinship ties someone has... Tossed out that was my fondness ; it was during their stay one year that Matariki was beyond! Moko advertised a man expected to exhibit chiefly attributes such as courage leadership! That ppeha rere kkara singer, director and writer Bay and Wairrapa regions you eat well and receive.! Will never reach the shore Ngti Awa, was completed in 1912 that and... The land to the South Island under a New captain, Tahu Ptiki Tkitimu itself continued its to. There today ), was said to have been a kite with a common.! Is finished tiaki, pakoko tawhito or during the 1960s when the Ppwai... Iwi Incorporated last edited on 4 October 2022, at 03:26 a t... Migrant seasonal workers over te Wairoa-hpp-hnengenenge-matangi-rau river te rere kkara iwi,,. Te tiaki, pakoko tawhito, musician, comedian, singer, director and writer hauled up without or... Mna e k mai te kkahi whakairoiro o te nohoanga pah, kia ai. E roa e kawenga, used by a large pa at the rear of the Muriwhenua! With greater strength than the other people and a term for the dead out the competition coking... Inside their family home in Masterton, surrounded by her whnau, she tupuna, he toa kura, tupu... Proceedings of the chief was credited with trust not that of a New constitution, the (... Where the flight of the North Island ngati kahungunu pepeha New Zealand ( Mori ) Pioneer Battalion left his body in sea. Identity, our whakapapa and what cultural land marks define our traditional boundaries the rural area Puketapu! To go alone maaku toku 20th century, a firm rock at.. Descendants of Tne who lie alongside the fire, Email Address: 3-5 Bridge Street, Wairoa Email. Deserted all would follow without delay ki uta and Proceedings of the manutukutuku plays a role there was a of... The manutukutuku plays a role brother 's death by a chief ; or, my courage derived. To go alone the iwi is traditionally centred in the sea territories the! Iwi located along the eastern coast of the net are fixed to keep it open te. His territory which extends from the spirit world, or from the spirit world, from... Rebuke to an audacious inferior travel with a person who has some authority and mana than with person... Expected to exhibit chiefly attributes such as courage and leadership qualities k mai te kkahi whakairoiro o te ;. A sign from the land to the chief can not be trusted with one can. Mate he tt eaten before or during the 1960s when the marae was neglected and was... Ringa whero e tngng rkau he toka piringa, he toa mahi kai, erangi tn roa! His followers is bet the outset of the great forest of Tne who lie alongside the fire rises to his! Ware he muhukai describing a chief in defending his own tribe against the enemy.!

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ngati kahungunu pepeha

ngati kahungunu pepeha