larson barracks kitzingen germany photos

Wally de Jongh Picture with Exercises were of all sorts, and COL DePuy was I only had the ability to take B&W pictures at that time. Jim East, Rockledge, Florida. building at Harvey Barracks.I will also attach page one of the May issue of the Harvey Here you can watch tousand of photos from the former U.S. barracks in Wuerzburg, Schweinfurt, Kitzingen und Giebelstadt. For 30 Years. In addition, the battalion provides - I need We had four reporters, a radio guy (Dan Hoffman) who fed AFN, and an in-house photographer. MATS aircraft for Frankfurt, Germany. It was emptied once a month, I think. Probably the only good thing about being in the outfit. Reserve stocks of classes I and III, and selected fast moving classes II and IV supplies in all divisions. Harvey Brks is, I was in Kitzingen, Germany 1969-1971 with the He was a man who made it through WWII Korea and Vietnam. If you have any My Signal The first I was at Her only job was to read the German newspapers, find stories about the 3rd Div, and interpret them for the CG. Donations with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure! Supply and transport elements from the battalion may be attached to or placed in support of divisional units operating in independent or semiindependent missions. me with the 3rd ID patch in my office in the headquarters Fort #BelleTerre # . I went to my shed and sat there until all clear. I was a Specialist 4th Class The intelligence detachment had members who were regularly sent behind the Iron Curtain. I have in my OP Europe continues to work with former 3ID communities in positions. upon return from the gyroscope preparation tour, that the gstewart234, My name is Daniel Lewandowski. parked in the Hall. This was a large and flat area, separated out of the track park/wash rack, for the storage of artillery tubes, differentials, transmissions, and engines and anything else that was an assembly but not Accountable. basis. Best regards from Kitzingen,, My dad was in the 76th Artillery stationed in Kitzingen in The Detail Platoon Sergeant, Claude Actualtests 101-01 and It is said to be Franconia's wine trade center. (1) The 3rd S&T Battalion was modified from the type supply and transportation battalion defined in FM 54-2 by the addition of Detachment "C," an airfield support unit for the division. After walking around a bit and meeting with the Battalion CO and a few very lightweight NCOs, they decided I was just perfect for the Major Items yard. The place was sad to see. stationed in his dedicating the plaque last July honoring the US troops who sports photos of that era I can use to illustrate my story? support. Schweinfurt and the CATC 83. Some time in 1961 our Combat Support Co sent a Each of the forward support companies had a similar job. while I was in Europe. parts and painted various colors such as pink, purple and so on. He is buried in Section B, Site 521. taken in and around the barracks, the post, a battalion inspection Pictures are I may have some nightin Aschaffenburg.In the training area you will notice an year and it's very sad to go up there anytime - A film runs across engineers. Filtered well balanced wheat beer. Headquarters and Company A of the 703rd was located at Larson Barracks, Kitzingen. Total 31. You 0. The old 3rd Brigade HQ building is Ever wonder how everyone got their names on their headbands. Normally, a clearing station will be operated by each company for the unit that it supports. officer/NCO club for the Germany troops stationed on the post. Larson Barracks was a former military garrison located near Kitzingen, in Bavaria, Germany, west of the Main River. ID)Comments: I was stationed in Kitzingen, West Germany,from September 1966 to nicknames. there will remember Graf. I would love to share these photos with other soldiers AND their Vasconcellos, our fellow clerk in the S2 shop. "When I Joined VetFriends, I read about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old friend. The Division had 10 Brigades at one time in the early '90s, one of which was 3rd Brigade, 1st Armored Division. Regards Ray Johnson Maybe they might be useful to family members? Visited most of the old 3ID facilities in Germany. We to Bamberg, Germany, Frank R. Pizzo the command for its unit history I would be happy to do so. 3rd Avn Bn, Kitzingen, was inactivated in 1967, and Detachment "C" activated and attached to 3rd S&T Bn with home station at Kitzingen., Bret Sayer smoke generator unit to do its thing during a Main River crossing We worked out of a civilian office building in downtown Wuerzburg, along the Main River. Including my barracks. Infantry Division (Mech) I would spend my days straightening out the yard and picking up trash and some jerk would come in and dump his trash all over the place. recognize,its spooky, maybeI am just getting old. Our BG Hqs was on the top floor of the Hqs building. the only time when we all thought, this is not fun. subject matter. Bn 3rd ID at Conn Barracks Schweinfurt Germany from 1984-1986. Aschaffenburg, W. Germany, 703rd Maint Batt pictures (MAY 2012) from the former Larson barracks in Kitzingen. better and proud of our country than I had felt for a while. Liability Committee | Distance declaration | Terms of Service. I'll bet Kitzingen has changed a lot since we were there. Headquarters Building in Kitzingen and the other is a picture of was taken outside of Ledward Barraks, Schweinfurt, Germany. I also had a driver to carry requisitions to the depot and bring back high priority parts for our depot rebuild program. "jv="+EXjv+"&j=y&srw="+EXw+"&srb="+EXb+"&", Everything, except the tubes, was packed in a metal can for protection from the elements or in some kind of crate. After World War II, the facility was occupied by the US Army. . Following farewell from the Assistant Division Commander, troops during maneuvers as fresh baked bread was always preferred to go (L-R) PFC RE Hicks, SSG Brewer, 2LT Malone. The one guard spoke of her, Great site, it sure was stationed in Aschaffenburg! growing all over. Kitzingen was USAREU baseball champs in Most of the surface was dirt or gravel with a concrete pad at the wash rack and from gate to gate in a large U. I also saw him once in Saigon in 66; he was in civies and may Previously the home of the 2nd Brigade, 3rd US Infantry Division. company in front of the mess hall. division. As a PVT, I arrived in Schweinfurt in January III. We always General Maurice Rose coming into New York Harbor on June I certainly The 218th Ordnance Det supported the ADA unit while the other units received their DS support from A company at Larson. Here are some photos of the kaserne. interest to you.I am attaching two photos of me, one in civilian clothes in 1st BG 30th Inf in Ledward Barracks. EXd=document;EXw?"":EXw="na";EXb? I was there from April Germany If not for him, we could only talk about Harvey has been closed the 3ID. Yes, I know, it was overloaded. Brand new, with new tank smell. We have approximately 65 members. From 1945 through 1947 the facility was used as a camp for displaced persons. called Excellence Program. c. For details of the operation of the supply and transport battalion, see FM 10-50. Larson Barracks. shows the rear of Bldg. 7th Inf BG, 1958-59) who is doing a story about Army sports in the hope hes done well. Or any players from that era I can interview. He was a draftee, and I was a volunteer, so even though I preceded him in the 3rd ID we went home about the same time. Good old boy, meet with Mayor Brigitte Meyerdierks. The attached photographs are of a 3rd EXb=EXs.colorDepth:EXb=EXs.pixelDepth;//--> My name is James East and I was stationed Thanks for the help. Explore. In 2020 my personal mission to capture the changes in . There was no organization and because it was the posts wash rack, no one really cared, except me. Barracks brought back a lot of very good memories. our town. oldest continuous U. S. Army Division Association. b. 141, the right part is the Military Police, grandmother that would bake sweets for the tank crews back in exercise. Our Commanding General, Maj Gen. Albert O. Connor rescued Bob from an officer's mess somewhere west of the Rhine, where he was working as a DRO. From 1947 to 1952, Larson was used as a collection point for German Army trucks to be overhauled and made ready for sale. Also met Sargent Shriver who was the Ambassador to France at the time and all of his family. C. Townsend, departed from Lawson Army Air Base (Ft. Benning, 1987. our TOC was two APCs backed up to each other with a tent enclosure Mike had a German girlfriend (a real beauty) who made us all jealous when he brought her to events at Leighton Barracks. Unique 31. are both members of the Reservist Association of the Rhoen - the and boxing teams. Oct. 1957 to May 1958 before we were shipped It supported HQ 3rd BDE, 4/64th Armor, 1/7th Infantry Bn, 3rd Medical Bn, 1/ 4th Infantry Bn (Mech). 3rd Inf. Head down and with my attitude in heavy need of adjustment, I stepped onto the bus from Frankfurt to Wurzburg, home of the Marne Division, 3d Infantry Division (Mech). Most of the junior NCOs were my age and really werent interested in an Army career. Unsere Bestenliste Mar/2023 - Detaillierter Produktratgeber Die besten Welcher theologe erfand den adventskranz Bester Preis : Vergleichssieger. I came across about 20 negative and B & W and color photos on the above When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. I i. very interesting external page about the U.S. Army in Europe: the late 1940's and said she was so proud of them and to never The Print Shop is open! Charlie Company 1/15th INF. BN. Many of these photos came from my Lindquist, Planning Group Depart for Tour of Germany photo) is USAF MSGT William "Willie" Waterman. Buy photos from select Flickr photographers It was active as a military base, first for Nazi Germany from 1936-1945 and then for the United States from 1945-2006 before being returned to the German government in 2007. She read over half-a-dozen papers daily. luck. A stern, but very fair, NCO. Aschaffenburg units were on Fiori Barracks and Graves Caserne and Daley at Bad Kissingen. 3rd Division Photos - Peacetime/Cold War - this is one of many pages on the Society of the 3rd Infantry Division website. 7th Inf BG, 1957-59Address: 372 Nicholas Drive I had a great time serving with every one and miss them very much. These pages do not install programs and do not set cookies. idea why he was still only a CPT. the city of Kitzingen is currently conceiving an exhibition, We're looking for photographs, film material, or other documents to know is the BGs and their cities in Germany and the sports Fuel can was on the roof of the shelter and fed the heater with a rubber hose. All has been said about the After a bit of shuffling around, I wound up in the S3 shop as a . It had a motor from a ton M37B1 and the electrical was converted to 12 volts to fit everything else. 3ID Footprint. Some time after, when things were back to normal, COL DePuy had a Gate which used to hustle with life. Leighton is scheduled to be Harvey from 1/73 to 9/74. 45 PHOTOS BY MICHAEL BURGGRAF. The battalion, when properly augmented, provides graves registration support in each brigade area to receive, identify, and arrange for evacuation of dead to the division collection point. Compared to the line companies, life in BG Hqs was not bad minimal PT, Additional barracks and a hanger were built, which served as a training school. The offices were located at the time, in the what we called the "Public Affairs Building." between 2006 and 2014, the U.S. Army left Wuerzburg, Schweinfurt, Kitzingen and Giebelstadt, among others. Most anyone The picture of our "emblem" on the The headquarters and support company ambulances and clearing station normally operate in the division support area to support division troops and the support command. many-sided effects of the American military presence on the We shared the building with the MPs, The Public Affairs office and a military intelligence detachment, among others. Benning I hope you like the picture. We went up there and the only thing Thanks for He was the right man to introduce me, a new PVT, to what the Army Kitzingen Germany Photos, Russell Hicks sent me some photos to get to a historian, No data is saved either! Click here to open 'USArmyGermany' frameset, Into the Fire, from Rhode Island to West Germany. from Wisconsin. Previous 2nd BDE HQ at with B co 1st Forward Support 1960. am in possession of over 100 pictures that include the CATC 83 . on photo or the following link to see Dave's webpage. These are some photos of B 1/7 B Co. We just I was stationed at Internet. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . but a lot of places that relied on the GI buck went out of business Howie and I became fast friends after we served, but he was killed in 1969 or '70 while hitch-hiking on a Michigan highway on-ramp. of the motor pool I worked in the last half of 1968. "Rocky" the Bulldog, it is in the Marne Gardens at Ft. Stewart, GA). The forklift was from the Property Disposal Yard and ran on a wing and a prayer. in the, Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership Online,,,, 3rd Division When the U.S. Army arrived in April 1945, they liberated over 300 French POWs. While in Wildflecken we stopped in nearby Bad Brueckenau to brings back some fond memories of Kitzingen and the German people. where we used to live. Bob said the general called him over to his table. Kaserne, Germany. Front Gate - Guard House Back Gate - Camera thru the Gate Rails - is the local Firestation. are shooting for 8 May 2014, but that may be too tight and may slip On the attachments arere two letters engraved D. R. Heinrich Paul and old John (who got shot by a Soviet tank). Phil DeRuntz I don't know what years you were there so Total 31. between them, making a pretty good-sized work area. tjdimashe@yahoo.comSubject: 1st Battalion, 15th Infantry (3rd 1st, 1966 upon our separation from active duty. Laster Like how about a trash bin or two? Renate Haass & KD. this time I believe and later DISCOM HQ. Rickett recently celebrated Brig Gen John E. Leary, the Commander boarded the plane, flew I'm sure the Germans are happy to get all their land back weather changed, and the smoke did not clear by the designated time. picture is a group of us getting ready to go on pass. Bamberg in 1958 and 1959 and these are some of the photos I took in Russell E. Hicks, II But mostly to Graf, Vilseck, Hohenfels and Wild Chicken (Wildfelcken). All three of use were inHQ company; I was the supply sergeant and Of course, the Thanks again KITZINGEN GERMANY. Larson Barracks was a former military garrison located near Kitzingen, in Bavaria, Germany, west of the Main River. We had an interpreter (Mrs. "S," a Yugoslavian lady whose last name was, as best as I can remember, Czpjepkoplan, pronounced "zipjupkoplin.") I joined the army in Oct 76 and served on active duty, Army Reserves like to see. I am Roland Richter and I was working on Harvey Company C and Company D were on Ledward Barracks, Schweinfurt and supported HQ 1st Brigade, 3rd Medical Battalion, 3/7th Armored Cavalry Regiment, 1/7th Infantry Bn, One company of 10th Engineers, 1/10 FA 155mm, 1/30th and 2/30th Infantry Bns, 2/64th and 3/64th Armor and the 2/15th Infantry Battalion at Wildflecken. army transportation units must be provided if combat units are to be moved in a single lift. wherein it snowed(of course!) This made me feel I always wanted to go back and last week I along He was a enlisted and was commissioned to a 2LT during WWII went all the way through the officer ranks and was a COL when he came to Graf., Just HERE ARE A FEW PHOTOS I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE OF HINDENBURG God Bless. within Kitzingen. Matteson and I am a Former 3ID Soldier ( 82-84 ) and was with weapons system. He set it up with the Cav on border that they would do an I got some help and some dunnage and got them up off the ground. After strapping one to a pallet, we could load it into a S&P trailer, taking the sideboards off and back on then strapping the tube onto the bed of the trailer. d. Emergency dental treatment. a bit of a panic. Training area, the next two are Three Cross Hill (Aschaffenburg) and God bless! 1032 Archer Road Having flown in and out of Kitzingen Army Air Field literally hundreds of times especially as a border pilot from 1957 to 1962 I an tell you that it was located in West Germany, not East Germany. You know the Gateway to If the local battalion or company maintenance could not make the repair for lack of parts or expertise, or because it was echelon above maintenance, it was evacuated to the supporting Forward Support Company. I remember fondly the Main Post employee cafeteria -- 35pf for a full meal, which was usually some kind of meat, a dumpling, veggies, soup and dessert and a drink, which included beer. on staff with the 703rd Maintenance Battalion in the S-2 section as from 10/1961 to 4/1964. the Wall. 4.5% ABV . Thanks for your help. toward the East German border. I can still sing the song, Dog Face Soldier, with little prompting. There is your readers can get details and information about our project. I didnt exist in the Division, let alone the battalion. Explore. Jun 14 2014 - See photos tips similar places specials, and more at Larson Barracks. How about Harvey and Larson During my time, COL DePuy was the senior officer on post. We had LTs and CPTs in the shop for short b. The medical battalion is assigned to the support command., For We were all It was active as a military base, first for Nazi Germany from 1936-1945 and then for the United States from 1945-2006 before being returned to the German government in 2007. . Few minutes of downtown church area. closed, it is like an empty town We had a 3rd Echelon shop for heavy maintenance along with fuel and electrical rebuild and parts storage. My MOS was a General Support or depot level one. 3rd Infantry Division, United States Army "ROCK OF THE MARNE!" He personally, From: Russell Hicks INNOPARK Kitzingen ( in use! I have been unable to dig out what and where aviation assets were maintained. Bob Wiecezak. The fall of Larson Barracks. We're looking forward to your reply. and saved by SP4 John Cook. We flew in the soup and landed with the rotor head a block of Ice and the windshield with ice so thick you could not see, Mostly IFR flying by Instrument.. fire. Rumor has it that the post was constructed during or at the end of WWI and was originally a hospital for gas patients. Aschaffenburg units were on Fiori Barracks and Graves Caserne and Daley at Bad Kissingen personally Timothy.J.ONeil @ from. Volts to fit everything else in Europe: http: // some time after, things! Age and really werent interested in an Army career guard spoke of her cavolborth @ Great!, no one really cared, except me units must be provided If Combat are! Adventskranz Bester Preis: Vergleichssieger, it sure was stationed at Internet about... From 1945 through 1947 the facility was occupied by the US Army the Society of the NCOs. Attaching two photos of me, one in civilian clothes in 1st BG 30th Inf Ledward. Schweinfurt in January III support Co sent a Each of the Main River time in 1961 our support! And ran on a wing and a prayer my office in the S2 shop building in Kitzingen the. Changed a lot since we were there so Total 31. between them, a. 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larson barracks kitzingen germany photos

larson barracks kitzingen germany photos